nonnormfun - Профиль NZ

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Ник: nonnormfun
День рождения: 15 July, 1975
Семейное положение: Свободен / Свободна
Страна: New Zealand
Пол: Мужской
Город: Napier
Присоединился: 5 месяцев назад
Профиль просмотрен: 159 раз
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Любимая категория: Игрушки
Обо мне: LOVE HAVING MY NIPPLES PINCHED AND BEING CALLED A DIRTY SLUT I just want you to know right off the bat what makes me me I am not worried about age or looks as I am not that shallow What can I say every one is different ,You can put what you want in here and hope people believe you .I'm not into that All right anyone like the idea of sex with lots of oil i am talking lots so both of us are covered then some Ok Fantasy No 1 I want a woman to peg me had it once all ready but she was not into it that much so it was a little on the crap side If you don't know what pegging is it when a woman uses a strap on on a man I have been into BDSM for a while now and know what i am doing I have all my own BDSM stuff Not looking for a sub just an adventurous kinky woman I am clean and smooth down below I love using toys and a little bit of bedroom bondage as it adds to the pleasure of sex But I will not -Censored- you to do what you don't want to do Also in to erotic sensual massage AND love to give oral nothing better than making a woman cum while you are sucking and licking Also love using toys Love to experiment as much as possible and learn new things

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